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Frequently Asked Questions

This website lets you ask other bonsai enthusiasts for feedback on your trees, and in return they expect you to give them feedback on their trees. Your rating balance is used to maintain the balance of giving and receiving.

When you have an active test and another user submits a rating, you reward them with some of your rating balance. When you rate someone else's bonsai, you recieve some of their rating balance in return.

The higher your rating balance, the more your tests will be given priority and you will likely receive ratings more quickly. When your rating balance dips below zero you will not receive any more ratings on your tests until you increase your balance.

Comparison tests are the simplest to rate so each comparison adds one to your balance.

Hotspot tests take a little longer so each test adds five to your balance.

Analysis tests are the most time-consuming to rate and each test adds twenty to your balance.